Monday, July 24, 2006


Back from Tahoe...

I'm dealing with a bit of jetlag today but it is great to be back home after a week in Lake Tahoe (I will admit, I'm always happy to come home from vacation but Tahoe is a place where I could have stayed a little bit longer!). We had a wonderful time and would definitely recommend a vacation to that part of the country, it is an absolutely beautiful place. We had a very active trip; we rafted, hiked, rode bikes, went to a Tahoe beach in Nevada and even made it over to Squaw Valley which is where the 1960 Winter Olympics were held. We also spent the last couple days of our trip in San Francisco where we took in all the tourist attractions; The Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman's Wharf, Chinatown, Alcatraz and a Giants game. So we were on the go quite a bit and while I did get a little tired toward the end, I think I held up pretty well!

Now its time to get back into the swing of things. I need to kick it into gear at work and next week football starts - I'll be coaching the 6th graders at St. Susanna this season. I even made it out today and ran about 4 miles - my goal is to build back up to where I was before last October. Based on todays efforts, I have a ways to go!

My next appointment with Dr. Leming is in a couple weeks. I should learn more about what the next steps will be. I know he's mentioned several times that I'll probably have a few more treatments of Rituxin. I would expect that next treatment will be some time in the fall.

Again, its good to be back! I'll talk to you all real soon!

Thursday, July 13, 2006


The tests are NEGATIVE!!!!!....

Got the news this afternoon that my scans this morning both came back NEGATIVE - there are no signs of the lymphoma!!! After 9 months of tests, treatments, shots and doctor's visits I finally feel like I can relax a little bit...and I will starting tomorrow as the family and I head out to Lake Tahoe.

Thanks to everyone for all your support, concerns and prayers. There is no way anyone could make it through something like this without the love and support of many people. I realize that this is something I'll probably have to keep an eye on for the rest of my life but I also know, as a result of these last 9 months, that I won't be doing it alone.

I'll be sure to keep updating on the blog. Thanks again for keeping our family in your prayers.

Peace and Blessings!


Monday, July 10, 2006


This Week....

This week is going to be a busy one. I have an appointment today with Dr. Leming. Unfortunately they were not able to schedule my PET scan until Thursday so we'll have to wait until then to see how things went with chemo rounds 5, 6 and 7. Then, we leave for vacation (Lake Tahoe) on Friday morning. Hopefully we'll get great news with the scans, that would obviously make vacation a helluva lot more relaxing.

My white blood counts were still a bit low last week so I continue to do the daily Neupogen shots. I would expect them to be a lot higher today...I'll also have my blood checked Thursday before we leave. I'm not sure what we'll do if the counts continue to be low...we'll probably have to pick up some Neupogen when we get out to Tahoe. It's been four weeks since my last treatment so I would hope (and I've been told) that it shouldn't take too much longer for the white counts to stabilize.

I'll be sure to post any other updates before we leave. I don't know if I'll be able to post anything while we're away. Thanks to everyone for checking in and seeing how we're means so much to me and my family.

Have a great week!!!


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