Thursday, August 24, 2006


Sonogram follow-up....

I just talked with the doctor's office and the sonogram on Monday revealed no abnormalities - all functions are good! (I could have told them that the way I constantly have to go to the restroom!) At any rate, nothing to worry about. there is a cyst about the size of a centimeter but that shouldn't cause any problems.

So another big sigh of relief! Up next is probably a rituxin maintenance visit on the day after Labor Day. Everyone have a great weekend!!!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006



Yesterday I had a sonogram of my kidneys at Christ Hospital. As I mentioned in my previous post, it was recommended that they check out a spot that was noticed on my most recent CT scan. Dr. Leming said it is highly unlikely that there is anything serious involved but it is best to check it out. I probably won't hear the results for a couple days. So, things are going to be a little anxious until we get the results.

In the meantime, I continue to feel a bit achy but thats not holding me back. I golfed 4 times last week and got progressively worse with each round. The kids will all be back in school tomorrow...the boys went back yesterday and Abbey's first day is tomorrow. I'm sure she's sleeping in on her last day of summer vacation.

Thanks to everyone for all your support. A few extra prayers would be appreciated as we await word on the sonogram.

I'll post when I get the results. Peace and blessings...


Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Latest Visit to Dr. Leming...

I had a visit with Dr. Leming yesterday. Things appear to be going as planned. My blood pressure was a little high but he thought that might be due to the anxiety of the visit. He reviewed my PET and CT scans from July 13 with me. Everything looked fine but he it was recommended that I have a Sonogram of my kidneys done due to something that showed up in the the CT scans. He said the chances of this being something serious are highly unlikely but its good to take a closer look just to be on the safe side. The PET scan was qualified as 'unremarkable' which indicates there were no signs of hypermetabolic activity. My white blood counts were around 3.0, still a little low but Dr. Leming said that there is no reason for concern - they could remain low for a while.

I'm scheduled for my first Rituxin maintenance treatment in September. This should go rather smoothly and there should be no bad side effects from the treatment. It's just to make sure everything remains clean. I'll probably have a treatment every three months for as long as a year or two.

My strength seems to be coming back. I do need to drop a 'few' pounds which should be easier to do as I ease back into my excercise routine. I'm also back on the football field coaching the 6th grade team at St. Susanna.

I'll continue to keep you all posted. Thanks for checking in and as always, thanks for all your support and prayers!

Peace and blessings to all...


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