Monday, November 18, 2013


The 'Old Ball Coach' hangs up his whistle...

After 19 years of coaching football I've decided it's time to call it a career. Yesterday was my last 'official' act as a head coach as we held our post season party for the 6th grade team I coached this season. We had a small team, only 14 players signed up, so it was quite a challenge to get through the season and put a team on the field every weekend. I give the boys a lot of credit; there were several occasions where we only had 11 players available but they stuck with it and finished the season on the field. Our record may not have been the best but as I told them at the end of the year, they showed a lot of character showing up at practice every day and working to get better. I made the decision to call it a 'career' earlier this season. I realized I'm no longer able to devote the time I feel is needed to coach the boys. With my job and other interests, I found myself missing more and more practices and honestly feeling like I was only giving 50%. It's hard to ask the boys to give 100% when you can't do it yourself! In addition, our trip to Scotland made me realize that I need to spend more of my free time with my family, especially Julie. I gave the St. Susanna football program almost 20 years, now it's time (actually past time!) to do more with Julie and the kids. Coaching has been a wonderful experience. I always looked forward to the new season, spending the time on the football field practicing with the coaches and the boys - getting ready for the games. I enjoyed the strategy of a game and watching the hard work pay off with triumphs on the field. But most of all I enjoyed the relationships; with the boys, the coaches and the parents. I've tried to be a role model for the kids and they've paid me back by being supportive of me during some of my more difficult times. One of my favorite St. Susanna football mementos is the 'Relentless' picture my 5th grade team gave me back in 2005 shortly after I was diagnosed with lymphoma - it still hangs in my basement, I can't tell you how much those kids and their parents helped me through a very scary and difficult time. And it's happened twice more since then, in 2010 and just recently this past summer. Every time I've needed support, the football families at St. Susanna have been there. I remember some of the games more than others. I remember far more the stories about the kids, the moments where I knew some of my long and drawn out lectures at the end of practice or a game had sunk in to a least one of the kids. That was really my goal all along - to get a life lesson across to at least one boy every time I'd go off on one of my tangents. And I also remember the underdogs, the kids that may not have had the most ability but were out there trying - I always looked for the little victories in them. And when those victories occurred, I couldn't help but feel a tremendous sense of satisfaction. In 2010 I had a young man who was new to town. He was a little behind the rest of the team in ability but he came to practice and tried hard. All he needed was a little confidence. One day we were doing a tackling drill and as it turned out, this young man was teamed up against one of our better players - I almost switched them out but then the stronger boy came over and whispered, "Hey coach, do you mind if I let him tackle me so he can feel good about himself?" I said that was a great idea...well this kid tackled the other boy and the whole practice erupted, everyone was giving him high fives and hugging him. He felt like he was finally contributing, he felt like he was a part of the team. And the coolest thing about it was this - as happy as that kid was it didn't match the happiness his team mate felt by allowing this boy to have a victory in practice. This was a kid who got what it was all about. In the second to last game of the season, the same boy finally made a tackle in a game and our entire sideline erupted - players, coaches, parents and families - it was a moment I'll never forget. One of the proudest moments I've had in my years as a coach. I'd like to thank all the coaches who supported me through the years - you've all become great friends. I know we won more games than we lost, we usually made the playoffs and actually played for a few championships. Last season we won the Division 2 championship - the only championship in my career. I'd like to thank all the parents for getting the boys to practice and the games, reading my countless e-mails and keeping me honest about the things I'd promise to do at the beginning of the season. But mostly I want to thank the boys, they were why I was out there. I wanted to teach them the game but I also wanted them to know there were more important things in the world like always giving your best, helping others in need and loving their family (Especially their moms!!) I've always said, coaching doesn't provide instant gratification, it can take many years. Some of the first kids I ever coached are now 25 and 26 years old. some are married - some have kids of their own. And more often than not, when I see them today we always reminisce about our days on the football field and every once and awhile, one of them will say, "You know, I never really understood why you took all that time to talk to us about family and helping others but I get it now - thanks!" That's the payoff, that's what it's all about. That's why I spent the last 19 years coaching the fine young men of St. Susanna. Next season I know I'm going to miss it but I also know its time for a younger guy with far more energy to step in and take my place. So thanks for the memories, the friendships and the many smiles - the only thing left to say is....GO TITANS!!!!

Some truly great memories at Titan Field!
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