Monday, June 24, 2013
A quick update....
Well it's almost the end of June so I guess it's time for an update! My treatment this month went off without a hitch, I didn't feel very well for a few days following the treatments but I seemed to get over the discomfort quicker than the previous month so that was a plus. I should have one or two more rounds to go and then hopefully, this will all be over. The next round will be July 1 and 2...just in time to feel like crap for the 4th of July weekend. They did give me some medicine to take to help ease the nausea - maybe if I start taking it earlier this time I'll avoid feeling like crap - something tells me that probably won't be the case.
Bike training and our preparations for the trip to Scotland are going well. We're close to having $20,000 of our $50,000 goal raised and last week I rode 200 miles, including almost 70 on Saturday. I have to admit I was really feeling it late in the ride on Saturday, I think the heat and high miles finally took a toll on me. I'm going to back off a bit this week as we plan to ride 70 miles this coming Saturday - hopefully I'll have fresher legs this time around. We're also well into the plans for our benefit night at Kings Island on July 27 - it should be a fun evening and we're hoping for over 200 people to attend. With a month to go, we have close to 40 reservations so we're off to a great start. If you might be interested in attending, let me know! I'll also post the flyer on my Facebook page so keep an eye out for that, as well.
I finally saw all of the 2012 movies nominated for best picture, except Amour which hasn't come out yet on video. Since Amour is foreign and I typically don't enjoy reading movies, I'll just rank the english language films and assume that Amour would be my 9th pick....I actually thought 2012 was a pretty good year for movies...
1. Argo - most entertaining movie of the year. I thought the Academy got it right this year although Ben Affleck certainly deserved a nomination for Best director.
2. Silver Linings Playbook - Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence shined in this story about a man trying to reclaim his life following a stint in a mental hospital. Robert DeNiro also adds a great supporting performance.
3. Lincoln - If for no other reason, Daniel Day Lewis as Abraham Lincoln makes this movie well worth seeing.
4. Les Miserables - Film version of the classic play was very well done even if Russell Crowe can't sing.
5. Zero Dark Thirty - The intense ending featuring the raid to kill Bin Laden were some of the best filmed scenes since the invasion in Saving Private Ryan - I just wish I would have liked the main character more - she simply got to be very annoying.
6. Django Unchained - Contained the funniest scene of the year. I don't want to give too much away but it involved a posse of the KKK complaining about the hoods one of their wives had made as they prepared to get revenge on Django.
7. Life of Pi - Ang Lee won Best Director for Life of Pi - the visual effects were absolutely amazing.
8. Beasts of the Southern - I need to watch this one again - I really wasn't sure what was going on half the time - but it was 1000x better than last years 'artsy' movie...The Tree of Life, which I will never watch again.
9. Amour.
Time to head to the gym for a little exercise. As always, thanks for checking in!