Thursday, February 03, 2011


A quick update....

I'm having my blood tested this morning so before I head to the appointment I thought I'd provide a quick update. Last week I had what should be my 6th and final treatment - there were no real surprises, everything went smoothly and I anticiapted feeling bad for a couple days and then back to normal. It hasn't quite gone that way. I still don't feel 100% and up until late last night I've felt downright crappy. I got sick on Tuesday and spent all night in bed, yesterday I just felt completely worn out. I guess we'll see what my blood counts are later this morning, maybe that will explain why this has been such a rough week. Nevertheless, I'm hoping the worst is behind me and from here on out there is nothing but gruadual (or swift) improvement.

As you'll recall, I made my predictions for the Academy Award nominations and didn't do too bad, correctly prediciting 27 of the 35 nominations including 9 out of the 10 Best Picture nominees. I stll need to see a couple of the movies but right now I'd sat The King's Speech will win best picture, actor and director; The Fighter will win both supporting awards and Toy Story 3 will win Best Animated Feature. I'm still not ready to project the Best Actress winner which will come down to the Black Swan's Natalie Portman or Annette Bening from The Kids Are Alright. Portman keeps winning all the other awards but I still believe there's a chance Bening could get the Academy vote. I'll make the call in the next couple weeks.

As for the Grammy Awards, they are wide open, but Bruno Marrs better win something for his song 'You're Amazing' or whatever the title is - the best vocal I've heard all year.

It's been a rough week of weather - Aaron had 2 snow days at SLU - I don't think Judd missed any days but his heat went out Tuesday night - that couldn't hsve been pleasant. Abbey's school only had a 90 minute delay when all the other schools were out - those girls at Mt. Notre Dame are tough!!!

Speaking of Abbey, we're very proud that she was recently offered full tuition exchange at the University of Dayton. This is connected to my benefits at Xavier but the selection process is highly competitive and based on grades, service and leadership. We are still waiting to hear if she will be selected for the same benefit at St. Louis and Marquette but they are saying we probably won't hear until late February or early March. She also has the tuition package at Xavier but since she wants to study Engineering, X is most likely out of the running. It's a very exciting time for Abbey and Julie and I are silently pulling for Dayton to be the choice. It's the closest, Judd has had a great experience there and we feel it is a perfect fit for Abbey. I guess we'll have more on this as the story progresses!

I better get down to the doctor's office. Thanks for checking in and here's hoping the worst of the 6th treatment is behind me!

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