Saturday, February 20, 2010


Have a Little Faith/Team in Training....

Hello everyone. Sorry it's been a while since my last post. With the snow, olympics and Xavier events I just haven't had time to do any blogging. Right now I'm waiting for the Xavier/Charlotte game to come on (in about 40 minutes) so I thought I'd try to get something out on the old blog.

While we were flying out to Vegas a couple weeks ago I finished reading a book by Mitch Albom called Have a Little Faith. I like Albom's books because they're usually short, easy to read and have a nice message to them. (If they only had a few more pictures they'd be perfect!) I'm sure you've heard of some of his other books, most notably; Tuesday's With Morie and The Fivye People You Meet in Heaven. Anyway, Have a Little Faith is about two men in Albom's life who helped him reconnect with his own faith; one was the Rabbi from the synagogue where he grew up in New Jersey and the other, a reformed drug addict and ex-con who became a minister in one of the poorest areas of Detroit, which is where Albom lives today. The story bounces back and forth to the lives of the two men; Albom is asked by the Rabbi to deliver the eulogy at his funeral so he decides he needs to get to know him better in order to truly do 'The Reb' justice when the day of his final exit arrives. Meanwhile, Albom meets the minister by chance, writes about the struggles his ministry is facing during the horrible economic times Detroit has been through recently in his newspaper column which winds up having a positive effect as Albom's readers pitch in to add support to the struggling ministry. It was one of those heartwarming stories that makes you wonder how you can have a similar impact. I obviously don't have the readership that Albom has with the Detroit Free Press, I imagine there might be a few regular readers of this blog but if there are more than 10 I'd be shocked. And I'm not naive enough to think that something I might say or do would inspire others to go out and do something nice for someone they may not even know but it certainly would be nice if people would. I think we all have the capacity to make a difference, we just need to make an effort to do it. You have to make it part of your regular routine. It may require you giving up some of your free time but I'm sure you'd find whatever you'd choose to do far more rewarding. Sometimes I think we feel like we can't make a difference; the task is far too great for one person to accomplish. What you don't realize is others are watching and your actions just might provide the inspiration for your family and friends to follow your lead. We all can make a difference, all we need to do is have a little faith.

This segues perfectly into my next topic. This summer, as I've done the past two years, I'm going to be riding in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Team in Training program. On June 19 I'll be riding in the Ride to Montauk, a 100+ mile bike ride to the tip of New York's Long Island. Between now and then, I'll be riding close to 1,000 miles to prepare for this ride. As part of the commitment riders are asked to raise close to $4000 for the LLS. In the past two years, with the help of many family members and friends, I've raised over $12,000 for the LLS and hopefully that total will be close to $20,000 by the time we do the ride in June. Following is a link to my web page for the ride. If you would like to support this effort please go to the web page and make a pledge. With your help I know we can find the treatments and cures needed to eliminate blood related cancers once and for all. I can't think of a better legacy for us to pass on to future generations. Here is the link....

Hey papa and geeb, and whoever else reads this blog. I was killing sometime in the library, and I decided to make my own movie list because I bought some "classics" from amazon that I've always wanted to see and have been in a movie mood. So after reading your lists and IMDB's top 250 I gathered a little over 50 movies and just finished ranking them all. My lists got a lot of the same and some that didnt show up on either of the other lists. So heres the honorable mentions and the 50 to 41
Se7en - i was a little disappointed in this movie's ending cause I saw it coming a mile away, but Kevin Spacey really steals movie, good performances from Pitt and Freeman
The Wizard of Oz - What hasnt been said about Oz
Kingpin - Really funny movie, Harrelson and Quaid make a great duo,
Heaven Can Wait - probably didn't expect this one, but after i watiching it with papa on tv i really enjoyed this story
Bad News Bears - Walter Mathau is classic and all the bad mouthed kids shine and keep the laughs coming
Almost Famous - good music and performances i really liked the kid reporter whos in way over his head, and his mom played by Francis McDormand

50. Tropic Thunder - i dont like Robert Downey Jr. that much but Kirk Lazarus was hilarious and couldve won an oscar if it wasnt for Heath Ledger's Joker being the same year
49. Princess Bride - an obvious classic good villians and even better heroes
48. Braveheart - me and my friends recently made a drinking game out of this movie, you drink every time they say william wallace, see upper thigh, a red head, or someone draws a weapon, needless to say its effective
47. Spiderman 2 - rare case where i think the sequel is better than the original (it is a comic movie though), Alfred Molina is the best villian in any of the three movies
46. Borat... - took america by storm, no one expected Borat to be as non PC and shocking as it was
45. Dog Day Afternoon - Just watched it two days ago, not what i expected but Sal was really good and he had great one liners, "So what country do you wanna go to Sal?" "...Wyoming"
44. Christmas Vacation - our family's Christmas classic
43. Old School - probably one of the defining comedies of me and binks generation and Will Ferell's best character ever
42. Up - heartwarming story, funny characters and it stars the winner of the grampa skeeter look-a-like constest animated division
41. Zoolander - this movies hilarious and has the great tandem of Wilson and Stiller i wish they'd make a good movie again

Pretty long post, more to come
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