Monday, August 13, 2007


Abbey's first field hockey game experience...

Abbey decided to try out for field hockey this year and last week was selected to play on Mount Notre Dame's JV team. She was really excited to make the team and really has been working hard to get better. The good thing is, hardly any of the other girls on her tema have ever played before so they're going through the learning process together.

On Saturday, her team played a a couple scrimmage games. Abbey was playing defense and about 1 minute into the second game, she took a stick to the face and immediately doubled over. I really didn't see the play but knew something was wrong when a couple of her teammates motioned for the coach to come out onto the field. When they saw her, they all started to move a little quicker so I thought I should probably go down to the field to see what was arong. When I got there, she removed her hands from her face and she was drenched with blood. Her nose was bleeding and blood was pouring out all over. It wasn't till we were able to wipe some off her face that we realized the bulk of the blood was coming from a small gash on her forehead. When I first saw her I thought she may have split her lip or had some teeth knocked out so the cut was probably the best case scenario. So Abbeys first game experience lasted about a minute and wound up with a trip to the emergency toom.

She was a real trooper. She received 5 stitches and should be able to get back into action when she gets the stitches removed later this week. I hope this isn't something that happens a lot in field hockey. You don't see much blood watching volleyball games!

Hope all is well with everyone. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers following the death of Skeeter. Peace and blessings to all!

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