Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Hilton Head...

Well, we're back from Hilton Head and getting back into the swing of things. We hadn't been to HH for several years and had a very fun and relaxing week. Now that the kids are all in their teens, they are pretty self sufficient so things were not as hectic. We didn't run around a bunch and just hung out at our house (which was very nice) and took it easy. We didn't even make it over to Harbour Town this year! We did play golf a couple days and a group went out fishing the last day we were there. We also went to see 'Hairspray'; it was a little different from the play but still a very fun show.

Now that vacation is over, the countdown is on for the kids to go back to school. Judd moves up to UD on August 18 and Aaron and Abbey start back the following week. Judd will be living in Marianist Hall which is the newest dorm on campus - it is very nice - he should like it there. Abbey has field hockey try outs in early August, hopefully she'll make the team; that will be a great way for her to get to know some of the new classmates. Of course, Aaron's looking forward to Judd heading off to school because he'll have the car and bedroom to himself then.

Julie's mom, Viv, has been in the hospital the past few days. She was having some stroke-like symptoms so they checked her in and have been running some tests to determine what might be going on. She's been through quite a bit the past couple years - hopefully they'll be able to do something that will make her a bit more comfortable. I know sh'es been pretty frustrated with all this so please keep her in your prayers.

Hope all is well with everyone. The best part of this time of year is the fact that football will soon be starting up - we're looking forward to seeing how the Buckeyes and Bengals do this year! I'll keep in touch.

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