Monday, December 18, 2006


Quite a scare....

As I posted last month, our son Judd recently turned 18 and is in his senior year at Moeller High School. About two weeks ago, Julie noticed a lump in his neck which obviously caught our immediate attention. For those of you who don't know, noticing a lump in my neck was why I innitially went to the doctor and later found out that I had lymphoma. So when we saw the lump in Judd's neck, our hearts sank because we couldn't imagine going through the same routine with him as we did with me less than a year ago. But there we were - getting Judd looked at by his doctor, having blood tests, x-rays and CT scans done, going to an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist, being treated as if the lump was an infection, realizing that the swelling was not going to go down and then hearing those nervous words; we're going to take this out.

So last Thursday Judd had surgery to remove the lump; it turned out to be a cyst which he's probably had since birth. He was a real trooper through the entire process, is doing fine and well on his way to a full recovery. I don't think I've ever prayed more than I have the past two weeks and I truly believe that Julie and my prayers were answered. So as we head into the Chirstmas season, we have a lot to be thankful for. I've been asked several times what I would like for Christmas and really nothing can top the gift we received last Thursday; just knowing that Judd is going to be fine will make this Christmas a very special one to say the least!

We wish you and your family a safe and peaceful Christmas!

My heart was in my toes while I read about Judd. I can only imagine your anguish. But, once again God comes through!
Have a blessed Christmas. We will be saying prayers of thanks for all of you. The Pearsons
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