Wednesday, October 04, 2006


A Year Later....

Today is the one year anniversary of the date I learned about having follicular lymphoma. So much has happened over the past 12 months but at the same time, the months have really flown by. Time did tend to creep along while I was getting treatments (January thru June) but now it's been almost 4 months since my last blast of chemo. Unbelieveable! At some point I may go back and read all the entries I've made to this blog as well as the messages I've received in return. Your comments and support have meant so much to our family, we wouldn't be where we are today without all of you.

I had an appointment with Dr. Leming yesterday. He is very pleased with my progress. The results of my scans from last week were great and now I have a couple months off before my next visit. At that time I'll get another maintenance treatment of Rituxin. As time goes on and things continue to be positive, the doctor visits should become less frequent. I'm feeling like I have all my strength back. Once my damn rib heals, I plan to get back into a consistent excercise routine. It's been almost three weeks and the rib is still giving me some's been quite a while since I've felt somewhat healthy. Once I no longer have pain in my ribs, I'm going to work to get back to feeling healthier.

At any rate, today is a big day and every October 4th from now on will be a big day. I thank all of you for your prayers and support of our family. I thank my family for taking care of me, keeping me company, making me laugh, for helping me take my mind off many of the things I've had to go through. I still don't look at this chapter of my life as a blessing but I am blessed to have all of you in my life and so much love in my family. May God continue to bless us all.


Vince -

So glad that one year later you have a wonderful story to tell. Thanks so much for keeping all of us updated on the blog. You've done a great job giving us honest insights and reflections on your journey ... both the challenges and the blessings. I hope you continue to gain your strength back and you feel 100% again.

Blessings and wishing you the best,

Vince, We have had some computer complications and have not been able to repond to your updates. Oh my, how happy we were to see you at Xavier and it was super to see Julie too. A year can bring alot of changes and we never know the Lord has in mind but you have spoken to all of hearts about courage,faith and family Thanks and we send our love, The jacksons
Vince -
We were anxious to learn about the results of your scan, and so happy to hear that Dr. Lemming gave you such good news. What a journey you have had the past year, and so glad you are in a healthier place in October 2006. Hope you continue to get stronger each day, and you, Julie, and the kids remain in our thoughts and prayers.
Love, Jim and Diane

Thanks for the update. Sorry to hear about the rib. Sounds like everything else is moving in a positive direction.

Our Bucks have looked great. I am a little concerned that MSU has dropped 2 games. They are a team that consistently lose games they should win and win games that they should lose. Our Bucks and UM better keep their guard up as they play the Spartans. Would hate to see us go down against a team that absolutely sucks.

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