Thursday, June 29, 2006


A Quick Update....

Just thought I'd do a quick update. Not much has happened since last week. I'm feeling a lot stronger this week and appear to be just about over my cold. My white blood counts were very high on Tuesday so I'm off the shots for now. I'll get my counts checked again on Monday - I'm sure they'll drop significantly but hopefully not so low that I'll need to go back on the shots.

My next appointment with Dr. Leming will be July 10. Between now and then I'll need to have CT and PET scans done. Lets all pray that those come back clean so we can officially move on to the next phase of this process. I know the scans were good on April 17 and would expect that nothing has changed. Our vacation is planned for July 14 - 23. We're going to Lake Tahoe and spending a couple days in San Francisco, as well. Were hoping that we'll get some great news to celebrate on July 10 so our vacation can be a bit more relaxing!!

Looking forward to the 4th of July weekend! I hope all is well with you and your families!


Vince, Have a great holiday and a terrific week-end. So appreciate your updates and we thank you for keeping us informed in such a terrific forum. We are good and we hope to get away the week of the 10th to Rocky fork Lake.... Simple but should have some good family time.Jay is coming in from Cleveland and Katie will be with her husband Jon so we can't wait... We will be in touch and until then celebrate the red,white and blue(especially the white:))cells:) Love, The Jacksons
Say Vinnie,

We're all getting together at Venetia's on the Fourth... aer you in?

Yeah....are you in????

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