Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Treatment #6 goes as planned....

For the first time since my second treatment, I was actually able to receive my 6th on schedule! My white blood count was at 4.4 - I guess the 2 straight weeks of Neupogen shots did the trick. The treatment actually went pretty smoothly. I started around 11:30 and was done by 4:15 pm. That is still close to 5 hours but considering I've had several go close to 7 hours, I was just happy to beat the rush hour traffic.

I would like to thank Doug Fiessinger for delivering a Dewey's pizza for lunch and keeping me company for awhile. Julie is out of town at a trade show so this was the first time I'd gone to a treatment 'solo'. I wound up sleeping a couple hours, which I've never done in previous treatments. I'd also like to thank Jenny Owens for preparing our dinner last night, a very tasty chicken alfredo. When I got home, Abbey had the pasta ready and had also baked some crescent rolls.

So, we have another treatment in the rearview mirror. Dr. Leming said yesterday that we're getting to the end...he added, "Isn't that cool?" I had to agree - hopefully close to the end means only one more chemo treatment but he wasn't commiting. At most, I think there are only two left. I have a feeling I'll be taking various medications for a while but getting off the chemo will be a huge - no, make that GIGANTIC step.

Wish us well today. Judd has a Juvenile traffic court date for being clocked at an 'impressive' 84 mph clip on I-71. Chances are he may drive again until September at the earliest. It should be interesting.

Thursday is the finals for the 2006 Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Man and Woman of the Year event. Two of our friends, Chris Hodge and Diane Faigle, are running in honor of me. It's not too late to make a contribution if you're interested. Send me an e-mail at hopkinsv@xavier.edu and I can provide you with details. In addition, Molly Brown-Boulay will be participating in the Memphis Triathalon on Sunday in my honor. I realize some of you have sent contributions to Molly and she (and I) certainly appreciate your support. I had hoped to travel to Memphis to see her finish but Judd will have a regional finals volleyball match on Saturday night so I don't think I'll be able to make it. Molly did reach her financial goal and I'll let you know how it goes for her on Sunday.

As always, we thank everyone for your prayers, support and concerns. You have all been wonderful throughout this entire 'journey'.

Peace to all!


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