Thursday, May 25, 2006


Molly goes to Memphis....

I received the following note from Molly Brown-Boulay recapping her triathalon experience this past weekend in Memphis. I'd like to thank Molly for her efforts...she certainly helped lift my spirits and the funds she raised will bring us that much closer to cures for these diseases. I'd also like to thank everyone who supported Molly's efforts. She said she couldn't have reached her goal without the help of everyone who was kind enough to send her a contribution. She sent me a list of friends and family who helped her and I hope to personally thank all of you in the coming weeks. Following is Molly's note to me...


Sorry it took me till today to let you know how things went. Here's the skinny:

I'm still basking the warmth of an AWESOME first Olympic distance
triathlon. Although I had some issues (dropped a
chain first thing out of transition, computer wasn't working on my
bike,realized I can't run very well with my bike when wearing cleets) It was
a great experience and time. The swim turned out to be much better than I
feared, but I did get clawed, elbowed, and kicked numerous times in the
water and managed to go slightly off course at one point. Coming out of
the water I was dizzy and I think that's why I almost fell when I got my
bike gear on.

The bike course was somewhat hilly, but mostly flat. The biggest issue
was the wind! What is up with Memphis?? It seemed no matter which direction
we rode, the wind was at our faces or hitting from the side. I definitely
feel this is the area I can most improve. I got passed a lot on the bike
course and I didn't like it! My only restitution was that I passed most of the
women in my age group--and a lot of other people--on the run course. It
was hot!! 90 degrees by the time I started out. I just keep chanting the
names of my heroes from mile 4 on, and it kept me through: Meagan ( friend
from college who died of leukemia), Liam ( a 12-year-old at my church who
passed away from cancer last fall), Norman (my father-in-law who passed away
from Hodgkins), and of course you. That pulled me through, as did the prayers of all my friends and family.

I'd hoped to break 2:30, but with the stop to fix my chain and the lost
time on the run course, I missed that goal by 1 minute. Not too, shabby,
though. I think I was 64th overall in women and 15th in my age division. There
are a lot of strong 35-39-year olds out there!

I'm so glad I did this. It has definitely been one of the best experiences
of my life, one I know I will never quite experience in the same way
again. Thank you for all your support! I can't wait till you beat this thing!!

All the best,

Hey Vince, Congrats to Molly. Sounds like one brave lady with a big heart.It is such a tremendous compliment to you to hear about Molly's passion and determination to finish the race in with your special intention(Sounds like a little sister who taught me in grade school:) So many people are in your corner and consider themselves honored to be one one of your many friends... Enjoy the holiday Love, The Jacksons
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