Friday, March 03, 2006


Blood counts look good, shots to continue...

After a week of getting daily shots of Neupogen to boost my white blood counts, my blood was checked and the counts are where they need to be. Since the first seven to fourteen days following a treatment are when you're most vulnerable to low blood counts, Dr. Leming wants me to continue getting daily shots at least through Monday, March 6. At that time they'll check my blood and determine whether I'll need to continue on the Neupogen through the rest of the cycle. I'm scheduled to get my next treatment on Monday, March 13. Depending on the counts, the treatment could be pushed back to March 20 or 21. Dr. Leming wants to make sure that when I do get my next treatment I can tolerate a 100% cycle. He said there is no big deal if the treatment is delayed a week.

He said they will probably have scans done following the next treatment. I guess they like to look at how things are progressing every two treatments.

Other than that, there's nothing new to report. I feel like I'm in the 'Dog Days' of these treatments. They've been going on since the middle of December and the reality is we're at best, half-way through. Right now I'm feeling OK but obviously not close to 100%. There are little aches and pains that I'm dealing with but they're tolerable. I still haven't missed a day of work other than treatment days and I continue to run 3 or 4 days a week. Yesterday we ran 4 miles outside and I have to admit I'm feeling it today.

So the journey continues. Wishing you all a great weekend and we'll continue to keep you updated!

Vince - Best of luck as you move forward with your treatments. You're doing great and it is amazing that you have continued to run during the last few months. Hopefully you are sitting back and enjoying the Oscars tonight ....

Keep the faith and we will keep you in our prayers.

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