Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Treatment #3 is Behind Us Now...

After a one week delay, I was able to receive treatment #3 yesterday. Hopefully this means I'm halfway home! Things went pretty smoothly but they're still a little concerned about my white blood count levels. The white counts did go up a little this past week but not to where they would have liked so now the plan is to give me a different shot every day for the next week which hopefully will do a better job of stimulating the white blood cell production. I talked with Ken Murawski last night and he said he would get this shot 10 days in a row when he was being treated for Leukemia and it did the job. Hopefully I'll have the same results.

Special dinner thanks go out to another one of those wonderful Church Ladies, Laura Schneider. Laura prepared a great meal of chicken, broccoli and carrot pasta along with a waldorf salad, bread and chocolate chip cookies. Everyone has been so nice to prepare us meals on treatment days. It's probably part of the reason I've gained over 10 pounds since the start of the year1 (That and the little 'deesh' (dish) of ice cream I eat just about every night!)

I'm feeling pretty good today. I have the cobweb feelings in my head which I've experienced the first couple days following treatments, but nothing bad enough to put me out of commission. I'm at work today and still haven't missed a day (except for treatment days) since we started in early January. Being able to get into work has been very helpful...I'd hate to be sitting at home by myself all day long. I have to admit there are some days where I don't accomplish a great deal but just being around my co-workers helps get me through the days a little easier.

Thanks to everyone for your comments, best wishes and are a big reason we are making it through this difficult time. Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to help a family through difficult times. Thank you so much for being a part of our village. We will be forever greatful!

I have to admit there are some days where I don't accomplish a great deal but just being around my co-workers helps get me through the days a little easier.

Some Days? Don't you really mean "Most Days?!"
Hey Vince, We appreciate your updates and we continue to send you our thoughts and prayers. Your tremendous support system must be a source of strenght and inspiration and to have a dear friend help you through his personal experiences is invaluable.We know about your fine co-workers but you are someone who makes everyone better by your spirit and determination. with love, The Jacksons
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