Wednesday, February 08, 2006


CT Scans Today and Friday

For the first time since I started treatments, I'm going to have CT scans done of my neck and abdomen. As I've mentioned before, the nodes that can be felt in my neck have all returned to their normal size so hopefully the effected ones in my abdomen will also be back to normal. Both scans are at 11:30 am so a little extra positive energy and prayers from everyone at those times would certainly be appreciated.

I had my blood tested yesterday and it continues to look great...the white and red blood cell counts are well within the normal range and my platlettes also look good. Thats great news since a couple of the kids have the sniffles right now.

I recently received an e-mail from a friend who I used to work with at Wright State University, Molly Boulay. Molly and her husband, Dennis, moved to Tennessee a few years ago but we exchange e-mails from time to time as well as Christmas cards. Anway, Molly has decided to participate in the Memphis Triathalon this May and is planning to raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. She wrote to ask if I would be her 'Hero'. Personally, I think Molly is the 'Hero' but I'm honored that she asked me and I humbly accepted her invitation. At some point I hope to post information on how you can support Molly in her efforts, should you be interested. I'm truly touched that Molly is doing this in my honor and wish her all the best in her efforts.

I probably won't know anything about the results of the scans until my next appointment with Dr. Leming, which is Valentines Day. That's also when I'll have my next treatment. I'm not looking forward to spending 5-6 hours on Valentines Day getting treatments but it will all be worth it if I get good news on the results of the scans! We'll keep you posted.

Hope all is well with you and your famly!


Hey Vinnie,

It's getting on 11:30 on Valentines Day. I just wanted to let you know we're thinking about you!

I hope all goes well and we'll talk with you soon.

Stoney (and family)
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