Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Recent Dr. Visit...

Yesterday I had my first visit with Dr. Leming following my initial chemo treatment. The appointment went very well and Dr. Leming was pleased with where I am at this time. My blood counts were good, temperature was normal, my weight had not changed and it appears the port is healing as expected. Basically, Dr. Leming said everything looks great and that I'm a 'boring' patient. He said that given how active I am, I should breeze through the treatments. I'm going to hold him to that. I have to admit I do feel better than I expected I would feel. I realize the cumulative effect will probably tire me out as we continue through the tretments but at least I now know what to expect and that I can handle the treatments. I don't feel 100% but so far everything has been tolerable.

I did feel a bit edgy due to the prednizone over the weekend...what a weird felt like I was about to jump out of my skin. Fortunately you only take prednizone for the first 5 days of the cycle so now I'm off of it for the next two weeks. Dr. Leming said I'll probably start to experience hair loss early next week. Apparently that will feel somewhat itchy. Time will tell.

This past weekend we watched the movie, "The 40 Year Old Virgin". If you were thinking of seeing it, don't waste your is one of the 10 worst movies I've ever seen. It made the "American Pie" movies seem like Academy Award material. This weekend we'll try to watch "Wedding Crashers", hopefully it will be lightyears better.

I got a nice present from my footbll team. When we learned I had lymphoma our team adopted the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's 'Relentless' theme as our slogan. Well the parents got the boys together and took a picture of them standing behind the word 'Relentless' and presented me with the picture earlier this week. I have it hanging in my office and I'm sure it will serve as a great source of inspiration as I go through my treatments. Thanks to all the Titans and their parents for this wonderful gift!

I guess that just about covers all the latest. Thanks to everyone for checking in to see how things are going. I appreciate all your comments. I hope all is well with all your families and look forward to visiting with you again in the near future.

Peace and Blessings to all!!!

Hi Vince! It looks like you have had quite an incredible journey. Your web site is very interesting and I will check back later. It sounds like your treatment is going well! You are in our prayers.
Tim L.
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